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Request for Course Progress

First Name*

Last Name*

Email Address*

Which course are you currently enrolled in?*

Are you enrolled in automatic debit?*

Which module did you just complete?*

If you are not enrolled in automatic payments, How much have you paid as of now?*

Please fill out this form after meeting your financial obligations.

once received, give a couple of hours to have the next course access.

Even if you pay over the phone, you need to fill out this form.

You must have paid $800 to proceed to module 6 (or day 6)

You must have paid $1300 to proceed to module 10 (or day 10)

You must have paid $1800 to proceed to module 15 (or day 14)

You must have paid in full to proceed to clinicals ( or day 17)


Online campus (our largest campus)

6700 Indiana Avenue Suite 255, Riverside, CA. 92506


(c) Best American Healthcare University 2008 - 2025


Phone: 951 637 8332, 951 394 8881

Fax: 866 213 0018


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